Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Teaching NetBall

At 7:50 a.m. today, exactly 5 minutes after I walked in the door to school, I got the news every 53 year old woman who was always picked last for teams in high school PE and therefore prefers individual sports wants to hear...

"You're taking the girls today for PE. You can teach them netball and determine if we can put together a team for the All Christian Schools Sports Day in July."

Oh boy! This should be fun. First of all, I've never played netball. For that matter, I've seen a netball game. As a matter of fact, the only time I'd even heard of netball (before this morning) was at a Christmas Eve dinner about 15 years ago in Maryland when the hostess mentioned she'd been pretty good at netball in New Zealand  and I was too shy to admit that I had no idea what she was talking about. I'd pictured bouncing a basketball over a volleyball net.

"No problem," I replied. "Let me just Google that."

By now the students were streaming into class. Between "Hellos", academic questions, and papers being thrown on my desk my quick skim of some netball basics told me there are 7 players on the field and the ball can only be moved forward by passing. Finally, the person throwing the ball cannot not move. I figured this would give me enough information for one day. We'll run and pass.

We headed out to the field and I was instructed to lead the girls in a warm-up. Standing in front of me were the usual assortment of middle and high school girls who were less than enthusiastic about jumping around in the hot sun. I figured some fitness PR was in store so I gave them my #1 reason to exercise....Endorphins! I explained that I didn't LOOOVE exercise, but I really LOVE the feeling I get after I exercise - happy, energetic, focused...Even if they didn't buy my marketing campaign, at least they would learn a new English vocabulary word.  And guess what?! It worked. They performed and put forth their best effort jogging in place, stretching and even trying push-ups. They were sweating, moving, and participating without complaining.

After doing about all the warm up exercises I could think of, I sent one of the more responsible girls over to find us six balls. Several minutes later she returned with one very big, hard basketball. My face dropped.

One basketball on a grass field with 20 girls. I needed a plan B.

I asked Responsible Girl, "Remember those Spider Man plastic balls we used for the team-building activity last week? Can you find those?"

Off she trotted.

Problem solved!

The rest of the class went really well. I just pictured the thousands of soccer practices I'd watched (and paid for) over the course of about 14 years and decided to get some additional money's worth. I modified them - instead of using feet to move the ball forward, the girls had to pass the ball forward with their hands. I then moved to three players ( a game of keep-away), small-sided games and finally to a full field (minus the net - I have no idea where it is or what it looks like).

The class went well, the girls had fun and we all got some exercise. On the way back to the "changing area" the principal asked, "So, which girls do you think should be on the team?"

Are you kidding?! I was too focused on just trying to come up with enough to last 2 hours and keep the names straight. I have no idea who can do anything. And, I have no idea what will make a good netball team. Furthermore, I'm not a coach!"

I replied, "I have no idea but I think I can use ALL the girls for awhile. That way, we'll have two teams and we can play against each other. Besides, I'm not sure who even WANTS to be on a netball team. Can we play for a few weeks first before I have to create a roster?

Strike this as just another day filled with unexpected surprises...

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